Our hostel is really cool, it's got a bit of a hippy vibe and our room is decked out in an African theme. It's been really nice to have our own little kitchen and actually cook some meals for ourselves rather than eating out every night. We're making it a habit to go out for one traditional meal in each city so we do get to experience the local cuisine and not just make eggs on toast. Brian had rabbit for his traditional Czech meal and loved it.
Things we've loved about Prague:
- Our 3 hour walking tour, complete with Czech tour guide Jirka (pronounced Prrrrrika)
- Charles Bridge and all it's buskers and vendors
- Hiring pedal boats and pedalling around the river for an hour to see the sites. We were peddling along, not a care in the world, and suddenly a ferry fog horned us and scared us to death, it was right behind us and we were in the way. We have never peddled so hard, my heart was about to burst. They really need to put rear view mirrors on those boats!
- Taking a picnic up to some old castle ruins and spotting a squirrel. It was bright red with pointy ears and looked very similar to our dog.
- Brian loves that everybody always has a beer in their hand (even the women). He bought a 500ml beer for 39cents the other day. I was tempted to order the bottle of Jacobs Creek Sparkling just to remind me of home, but it was $14 and I can get it for $6 at Dan Murphy's.
Kobi & Brian
Prague Castle & Charles Bridge

Old Town Square

The Astronomical Clock (built in the 1400s)

Old Prague Ham baking
Ice Bar Shenanigans
Our new Scottish friends Ryan and Twisted Metal (that's seriously how we were introduced)
Charles Bridge
Pedal boating

Views from the pedal boat

After we hired our boat we spotted these WAY cooler swan boats and were very jealous of anyone in one.
The only spot in our room that got wifi
Our room in the Artharmony Hostel

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