Tuesday 20 May 2014

Leaving London

I have a sad face just typing the title of this blog post!

Our final weeks in London have been a blur - organising the move home, packing boxes, interviewing for new flatmates to replace us, handing over our roles at work and trying to catch up with all our friends before we head home.

It's actually been really emotional for both of us - when it came to our final few days at the NMC and the Sugarman Group, we were both really touched at the sendoffs and gifts we received from our colleagues. I managed to hold it together for the most part, but have been so up and down that a cute puppy ad on TV will have me crying for no reason! 

Though it was chaotic, our shipping boxes are now on a boat home, and everything (just) fits into our suitcases. 

As we knew it would be, the hardest part was saying goodbye to Dan and Emma. They really looked after us from the moment we arrived in London - always inviting us to hang out with their friends, taking us to their favourite places, cooking Sunday roasts, sitting down with us for the latest Kardashians episode...the list goes on and on. We came to London for new adventures but never thought we'd make friends as special as them. We put off saying goodbye for as long as possible (seriously, I think we consumed 5 bottles of wine between 6 people procrastinating!) but inevitably, Emma and I were sobbing messes on the side of Clapham Park Road. But while we miss them already, we know they're the kind of people where time will pass but it won't change anything at all - so we're all just going to plan our next catchup and countdown to that!

We also wanted to make a few special mentions...

To Megs and Cousy - you guys have been SO good to us while we've been over here! Weekend trips away, Christmas and Aberdeen Monopoly (if I land on bloody Duthie Park ONE more time!!!!!) Kew Gardens, Twisties and Wooshie Sauce,  and the countless dinner and pub trips. Hanging out with you two is just so easy and we will really miss you. Can't wait to eventually have you back in Aus so the shenanigans can continue!

To Simon and Sarah, (Dan and Emma's flatmates before us), everytime the six of us got together hilarity ensued, and I have so many funny memories! Every time we hear the Backstreet Boys we will think of you guys! Thank you for being so awesome, we will miss you so much!

In our final weeks in London we still managed to get a few quintessentially British things in, like a polo match at Ham Polo Club, which was such a good day, and one of the first days of warm weather we have had in ages! That'd be right London - as soon as we leave it starts warming up!

This whole year has been absolutely amazing - even more so as I had my fiancé (that sounds far too grown up!) to share everything with. Getting engaged was the perfect ending to a perfect year, and we are even more excited about coming home to celebrate now!

But priorities people - there is just no way we can go from a London winter to a Perth winter. That would be outrageous. So get your sangria ready for us Portugal!

Peace out London, thanks for the memories!!
Kobi and Brian

Dan and Emma - two amazing humans (or Emmazing as Emma would say!)

At Ham Polo Club

Pressing down the divets so the horses don't trip. Very important. 

At the polo

Brian on the polo training horse

Right before Emma jumped in the Serpentine River in Hyde Park as a dare. And it was not warm water. 

Making the most of happy hour at Dirty Martini before we leave London

With my new fiancĂ©! 

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